Recycled Toy Collage Workshop ~ Art Camp
Repurpose an Array of Small Toys to Create Awesome Art!

When people see all of the toy collages we have hanging on the walls of Sunshine Studio, they always say that they want their child to make one, too. :-D We agree, it's super fun to create with all of the colorful plastic clutter that accumulates over time. Children will get to "shop" from our impressive hoard of small toys and create a simple design, such as their initial, a strawberry, heart, rainbow, mushroom, peace sign, star, etc... It's always fun to see how these creations turn out- we can't wait to share the fun with you! PS: Got junk? We'd love to accept your donation! We'll take anything that clutters up the bottom of the toy box or collects in the corners of your child's room. Just leave it on our porch and we'll add it to our materials. :-) Offered from 9am-1pm Ages 5 and up $45 per Child Please send a bag lunch.